Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin ...

Mochy a byproduct produced by the kidneys in the process of filtering blood. Although the kidneys retain the essential salts and nutrients in the blood, they filter out unwanted substances. These undesirable substances carried from the kidneys through tubes called ureters are narrow and stored in the form of urine in the bladder. Urine is then washed from the body through the canal called the urethra. Urine is normally sterile in nature, however, bacteria can sometimes travel in any part of the urinary tract. This can lead to growth of bacteria in the urine. When the growth of bacteria found in urine, a diagnosis of bacteriuria. One of them is diagnosed with a urinary tract infection when the number of bacteria found in the urine of more than 100,000 of pathogenic bacteria per milliliter of urine. These bacteria must be the same species. The presence of many types or

hints of possible contamination of the urine specimen. Under such circumstances, a fresh urine will be checked to formulate an accurate diagnosis. Types of Doctors bacteriuria usually order a microbial culture of urine, and urine analysis, when patients complain of pain and burning sensation when urinating. A proper study of the results of urine and urine usually provides physicians with information necessary to confirm the diagnosis of symptomatic bacteriuria and urinary tract infection. Bacteriuria may be asymptomatic. One of them is diagnosed with asymptomatic bacteriuria, when one does not experience symptoms of urinary tract infection, despite the presence of significantly large number of bacteria in the urinary tract. In contrast to symptomatic urinary tract infection, asymptomatic bacteriuria is not really a cause for serious concern. However, asymptomatic bacteriuria should not be taken casually, if pregnant women with diabetes or those who have recently passed a kidney transplant. In the absence of proper medical care, bacteriuria may turn into a urinary tract infection. If left untreated, urinary tract infection can have serious health consequences. In case you're wondering what causes bacteriuria, scroll down to learn more about this condition. Causes of bacteriuria As I mentioned earlier, urine usually does not contain a significant number of microbes. However, they can find a way in the urine under certain circumstances. E. coli,

Enterococcus fecal, Lactobacillus


Chlamydia and Klebsiella pneumonia are some of the different species of bacteria that can find out in the urine. Because some of these bacteria that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract, they can move from the intestine into the urethra. Thus, the lack of personal hygiene can put one at increased risk for such bacterial infections. Women seem more susceptible to developing bladder infection than men. This is due to short size of urethra. Not only is this tube is shorter, but very close to the vagina and anus. Changes in the position of the urinary tract during pregnancy can also make women prone to bacteriuria, because women are often advised to get a urine culture or urine test done to check for bacteria in the urine during pregnancy. PMR is a disease that children can sometimes develop after urinary tract infection. This condition is characterized by the reverse flow of urine from the bladder into the ureter. Backflow of urine, most likely to stimulate growth of bacteria in the urinary tract. As for the men concerned, most of the increase or inflammation of the prostate is believed to be responsible for causing infections of the urinary bladder. Incomplete emptying of the bladder or obstacles in the flow of urine through the large stones in the kidneys may also lead to the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract. Many times, holding urine for long periods of time can lead to bacterial growth. The use of bladder catheters can also make one susceptible to bacteriuria. Treatment of bacteriuria Asymptomatic bacteriuria is considered harmless condition that can solve their own. However, this can not be said for pregnant women, the elderly or those with weak immune systems. If not diagnosed or treated at early stages, bacteriuria may develop into UTI, which in turn may affect fetal growth in pregnant women. Bacteria can travel to the kidneys and causes kidney infection. People who suffer from kidney stones, of course, the big risk of bacteriuria. Thus, you must seek medical help for experiencing symptoms of kidney stones. As with most bacterial infections, treatment involves the use of antibiotics. Unlike asymptomatic bacteriuria, urinary tract infections cause symptoms such as pain when urinating, frequent urge to urinate, burning sensation, feeling of pressure, unpleasant smell of urine or blood in the urine. Often,

urethritis or designate. These medicines can help to kill bacteria and prevent their reproduction. Trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin, ampicillin, nitrofurantoin, and strattera 40mg some antibiotics may be prescribed to treat urinary tract infections. Fluoroquinolones belong to a class of drugs such as ofloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and trovafloxin. Although these drugs were quite effective in the treatment of bacterial urinary tract infections, your doctor may conduct a test of sensitivity to the appointment of any of these drugs. If these medications do not seem to work, doctors can perform intravenous piyelohrama noted, bladder, kidneys and ureters. Other diagnostic tests may be performed if the patient suffers from recurrent urinary tract infections. These include ultrasound and cystoscopy. Both of these tests can help doctors detect any anatomical abnormalities or changes in the structure of the urinary system. Also after drug therapy or other treatments, the patient can also follow certain precautions to prevent such infections in the future. First of all, you need to stay well hydrated at all times. In addition, you need to empty the bladder completely at regular intervals. Since wearing tight-fitting synthetic underwear can also contribute to the growth of bacteria, it would be better to wear underwear that are made with breathable fabrics like cotton. Personal hygiene is another aspect that can not afford to ignore. It was a brief overview on the growth of bacteria in the urine. While asymptomatic bacteriuria can sometimes solve themselves, acute bacterial infection in the urinary tract can have serious health consequences. Thus, if the urine culture and urinalysis results indicate bacteriuria, see a urologist and follow the advice of a doctor. Take all precautions in the end, it is better to prevent than cure. .

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